Benefits of Cannabis Topicals for Your Skin & Hair

Benefits of Cannabis Topicals for Your Skin & Hair

5 minutes, 43 seconds Read

CBD and CBG, short for cannabidiol and cannabigerol respectively, stand out as prominent cannabinoid compounds present in hemp and marijuana plants, which are varieties of the cannabis plant. These compounds have various beneficial attributes and complement each other’s effects synergistically. Both CBD and CBG exhibit analgesic properties. Furthermore, when combined in a single product, they offer substantial wellness and cosmetic advantages.

There’s a growing interest and increasing scientific research focusing on CBD and another significant cannabis component, CBG. These cannabinoids have demonstrated their ability to shield the skin from UV radiation, thereby preventing further aging. Moreover, they effectively counteract inflammation, which accelerates the aging process.


CBG mirrors CBD’s effects, renowned for its pain-relieving, hydrating, and stress-reducing properties. However, CBG particularly excels in enhancing focus, productivity, and cognition.

CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is something that comes naturally from hemp plants. On the other hand, the main thing in marijuana that makes you feel high is called THC. But don’t worry, skincare products with CBD don’t have THC, so you won’t get high when you use them on your skin.

CBD: A Natural Remedy for General Well-being

CBD has gained a lot of attention as a natural remedy that many people use because it helps with overall health and reduces inflammation. Scientists are still studying CBD to learn more about how it can make us feel better and stay healthy in different ways.

CBD Products: Origins and Quality Assurance

CBD products and cannabis gift baskets don’t have approval from the FDA, so it’s important to know where they come from. 

In the United States, there are strict rules for growing legal, medical hemp. This means that if your CBD comes from hemp grown in America, it’s likely to be good quality.

CBD Topicals: Nourishing Your Skin Naturally

CBD topicals are skincare products like lotions, salves, balms, and creams that contain CBD. They’re made to be put directly on your skin and often include essential oils. CBD lotions are great for keeping dry skin moisturized for a long time. CBD facial moisturizers help keep your skin balanced and stop it from getting too dry in your everyday beauty routine. To get all of these products in one place, you can also subscribe to GreeenBox’s CBD Monthly Subscription and enjoy CBD products at a very economical cost!

The Emerging Cannabinoid for Enhanced Well-being

CBG is a helpful cannabinoid that comes with many benefits. CBG edibles can give you more energy, help you be more productive, and reduce stress without making you feel high like THC does. CBG is also used to help with physical and mental health issues. Even though it’s promising, CBG is not as common because it comes from young cannabis plants, making it an “early-phase” cannabinoid.

CBG is similar to both CBD and THC – it doesn’t make you feel high, but it has mild cognitive effects similar to THC. It can help you focus better and feel more in tune without the typical highs or overstimulation you might get from THC.

Key Advantages Of CBD for Skin Health

  • Anti-Inflammation

CBG and CBD offer an effective reduction of inflammation triggered by UV radiation and bacterial pathogens. Scientific studies indicate that pretreating dermal fibroblasts with CBG or CBD surpass the efficacy of vitamin C in preventing sunlight-induced inflammation.

  • Aging Prevention

The protective properties of cannabinoids are evident in various skincare products such as facial serums, moisturizers, toners, cleansers, and masks, all available through GreeenBox’s Subscription Boxes. Consistent use over four weeks demonstrates skin rejuvenation and refreshment, highlighting the effectiveness of these products in promoting overall skin health and vitality.

  • Antioxidant

CBG and CBD exhibit superior antioxidant capabilities compared to vitamin C. They effectively thwart the formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) within human dermal fibroblasts, thereby mitigating cellular oxidation and the detrimental effects of biological free radical signaling molecules, which accelerate aging.

  • Antibacterial

CBG and CBD, essential components of GreeenBox’s Mystery Subscription Boxes, possess antibacterial attributes important for combatting blemishes without causing skin irritation. They work to impede the inflammation caused by Curibactium acne and its growth through two distinct pathways. Notably, CBG demonstrates greater efficacy in this regard compared to CBD, underscoring its potential in skincare formulations.

  • Hair Growth Stimulation

Environmental factors like weather can significantly impact hair development, often resulting in dryness and lack of definition. However, the application of hemp seed oil, a natural derivative of cannabis abundant in vitamins, fatty acids, and protein, serves as a potent catalyst for stimulating hair growth. Not only does it bolster hair strength and nail health, but it also acts as a shield against scalp dryness. Moreover, cannabis plays a pivotal role in improving scalp blood circulation, thereby enhancing hair elasticity and reducing the occurrence of breakage.

  • Quick Skin Absorption

As the body’s largest organ, the skin demands ample nourishment to maintain its health and vitality. Cannabis topicals, infused with terpenes, have been shown to enhance skin permeability, facilitating the rapid absorption of beauty creams and serums. By applying cannabis topicals before other skincare products, individuals can maximize the efficacy of these formulations, ensuring optimal results and radiant skin.

  • The Omega Effect

Omega fatty acids, deemed essential for overall well-being, play a critical role in promoting skin and hair health. Cannabis topicals are rich in omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids, which collectively regulate blood clotting, and maintain skin suppleness, and radiance, while also combating dandruff and other scalp issues. Additionally, omega-6, with its exceptional moisturizing properties, acts as a shield against sunburn and premature aging, bestowing upon the skin a youthful glow and resilience against environmental aggressors.

  • Anti-Melanogenesis

CBG, a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in cannabis Sativa, has been recognized for its remarkable ability to combat acne scars and sun damage by enhancing anti-melanogenesis. Through its skin-brightening properties, CBG assists in achieving a more uniform complexion, diminishing the appearance of hyperpigmentation and enhancing overall skin clarity.

  • CBD Facial Experience

Treat yourself to a special hour-long facial treatment that incorporates CBD-infused cleansers, toners, masks, and moisturizers. Feel the soothing effects of CBD as it relaxes your skin and leaves it looking radiant and refreshed. Pamper yourself with this ultimate self-care experience and discover the amazing benefits that CBD can bring to your skin’s health and vitality.


The medicinal properties of cannabis play a significant role in enhancing the health and appearance of our skin, hair, and nails. The emergence of skincare products infused with marijuana underscores its therapeutic potential in the beauty industry. Despite past skepticism and criticism, marijuana products offer surprising beauty benefits that are gradually reshaping perceptions.

Experience the transformative power of cannabis-infused skincare firsthand with Greeen Box’s Mystery Gift Boxes. Our carefully curated selection of premium-quality products taps into the natural healing properties of marijuana to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin, leaving you with a radiant glow. 

Read More Articles: Exploring the Benefits of Custom Boxes for CBD Products

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Yes, offers a free guest posting service, eliminating any financial barriers for individuals and businesses looking to share their content.

Q2: How can I benefit from the high Domain Authority of

The high Domain Authority of contributes to better search engine rankings and increased visibility. By contributing quality content, you can leverage this authority to enhance your own website's SEO performance.

Q3: Are there specific guidelines for guest submissions on

Yes, has specific guidelines for guest submissions. It is essential to carefully review and adhere to these guidelines, ensuring your content meets the platform's standards.

Q4: Can I include links to my website or social media profiles in the guest post?

Yes, the author bio section in your guest post submission is an opportunity to include relevant links to your website or social media profiles, further enhancing your online presence.

Q5: How can I connect with other content creators on

Guest posting on not only allows you to share your content but also provides a platform for networking. Engage with other contributors, businesses, and thought leaders to explore collaboration opportunities and increase your exposure.

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